A.O. Smith / Century - AOS Motor 48FR 3/4HP 2SPD 115V - BN-36
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A.O. Smith / Century - AOS Motor 48FR 3/4HP 2SPD 115V - BN-36 CAT: BN36MODEL: 177781TYPE: SPMFR: R48YHP: SF: PH: 1HZ: 60RPM: 3450/1725ROT: CCWPE VOLTS: 115AMPS: 8.8/2.6MAX AMPS: SF AMPS: TIME: CONTENCL: ODP THERMALLY PROTECTEDFORM: CODE: YINSUL CLASS: BAMB.: 40 12 & 3 O’clock Conduit Entries 40°C Ambient • Class B Insulation Rotation: CCW Pump End Through Bolt Mount 48/56 Base Mounting 3-1/2” Shaft Height Four Thru Bolts on a 5.146 Bolt Circle