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New Part Number: MV00000 - Comes with new, improved rectangular version topside panel (pictured above).
Jacuzzi® - Control Panel Kit 120V, Electronic on/off J2 - ED63000, MV00000
Jacuzzi® New Style On/Off bath pump control with new style rectangle topside control.
Replaces obsolete oval style topside control.
120 Volt Replaces: ED62000, ED63000, ED38000, ED39000, BA-JZB-A-ED39000, BA-JZB-B-ED39000, P-16-P2, PC1000
Jacuzzi® Control Panel Kit 120V, Electronic on/off J2 Control Box - ED63000
Jacuzzi® ED63000, Control panel kit 120 vac electronic on off J2 control box; ED62000; ED38000; ED39000; BA-JZB-B-ED39000